Liu Hanyuan, Chairman of BOD of Tongwei Group: The “Bonus Package” of Chengdu Empowers Private Enterprises to Run Faster

Recently, Chengdu officially issued the Policies on Further Promoting the Development of Private Economy (hereinafter referred to as “Policies”), putting forward 55 measures from 17 aspects to directly address the pain points and difficulties in the development of private economy, further optimizing the development environment for private economy. The released Policies have attracted wide attention among private enterprises in Chengdu. Liu Hanyuan, Deputy to the NPC, Vice Chairman of the All-China Federation of Industry and Commerce, and Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tongwei Group, stated in an interview with Chengdu Daily that the issuance of the “55 Measures for Private Economy” in Chengdu has brought a series of policies and measures centering on the high-quality development of private economy, playing an important role in encouraging and guiding private enterprises to develop with support, strengthen, and confidence.

As a representative of Chengdu’s private entrepreneurs, Liu Hanyuan has led Tongwei Group to achieve leapfrog development over the past 40 years, and also witnessed the gradual growth and development of the private economy. Liu Hanyuan shared that private enterprises play an important role in stabilizing growth, promoting innovation, increasing employment, improving people’s livelihoods, etc., and have become a significant driving force for economic and social development. He took Tongwei’s development history as an example. China’s PV industry, as a strategic emerging industry, has developed for more than a decade, from being restricted by the reliance on imported raw materials, foreign markets, and imported technology to leading the world’s PV industry. Currently, China occupies more than 70% of the global market share and tops the world in terms of the PV industry. The development of the PV industry is a microcosm of how China’s private economy seizes new opportunities incubated in the global industrial structure and layout adjustment process and activates the vitality of the Chinese economy.

Liu Hanyuan stated that the issued Policies have introduced a series of powerful measures in fairness promotion, opportunity creation, service optimization, and problem settlement for the purpose of further creating an atmosphere throughout the entire society that cares about and promotes the growth of the private economy. Furthermore, the Policies help to strengthen everyone’s confidence, increase resilience, and boost motivation to provide additional momentum for rapid development. In the face of the unprecedented changes unseen in a century, the private economy must strive for self-reliance and self-improvement, continue to promote the entrepreneurial spirit, and bravely shoulder the responsibilities and mission of the times. In the future, as a member of the private enterprises, Tongwei will continue to root in Sichuan and Chengdu as always, vigorously promote high-end manufacturing and intelligent manufacturing, expand and strengthen the green PV industry, drive the quality and quantity improvement of the new industrialization in the province and city, and contribute more significantly to the vigorous advancement of Sichuan’s modernization and global energy transition.