Chairman Liu Attended Big Evening of China’s 60th Anniversary

Organized by enterprises in the non-public economy, the large-scale literary performance Song of Excellent Builders was held in Chengdu on September, 30. To celebrate China’s 60th Anniversary, the event invited over 100 well-known enterprises from Sichuan. Government officials and high level officers from Sichuan provincial federation of industry, and former officer of the United Front Work department of the CPC Central Committee were also present.

Standing committee member of CPPCC, Board Chairman of Tongwei Group was invited to give a speech as the outstanding builder representative of Socialism with unique Chinese twist. Looking back over the past 20 years, Mr. Liu gave high credit to the incredible developments and achievements Sichuan and China has made in aquaculture and polysilicon manufacturing. China has become the largest aquatic products producing country. When it comes to new energy industry, Mr. Liu said Germany, Japan, and Japan had dominated polysilicon production technology for 40 to 50 years. The year before the last, 98% of the polysilicon in China was produced by other countries. This year, 30% is self-produced.  He believes in the next few years, China can be totally independent in polysilicon production, and in 5 to 10 years, it will be able to produce 1/3 of the world’s total production. China has geared toward modernization. Mr. Liu is confident that in future, China will not only be the center of all countries, as the world “China” in Chinese implies, but also the center of human beings, and the center of power sources. This will need the concerted effort from all Chinese people.