Tongwei holds H1 marketing &H2 deployment conference

July, 5, Tongwei holds H1 marketing & H2 deployment video teleconference video. Board chairman Liu Hanyuan gave important instructions at the conference. President of Tongwei Co., Ltd. Yan Hu reported the H1 business management. CMO Wang Shangwen made analysis of current market quotation. Management and officers from the headquarters and subsidiaries attended the conference.

President Yan summarized the H1 marketing conditions and made explicit work deployment for H2. He said, Tongwei Co., Ltd. completed the scheduled assignment for H1, which has laid foundation for this year’s task schedule completion. Because of the price rise of pig, chicken, duck and fish feed, many areas and subsidiaries hit record high. The food sector also gained improvement in management. Facing the current discrepancy and pressures, and the high priced market and market competition, we need to be clear about our own strength and weakness to avoid blind optimism.

Chairman Liu analyzed the current industry trend in depth. He said, generally speaking, the current livestock, poultry, and aquaculture prices hit historical high. We need to consider how to judge and grasp whether the current situation is the short-term life-cycle effect, or in the long run, the turning point of agricultural mode of production, or it is the comprehensive effect of short-term cycle combined with a long-term adjustment formation. Scaled and moderate-scale farming will become the future mainstream, and form new technical backbones of scaled mass production with management and production capabilities. This trend will be the basic judgment for the future development of the industry. Based on this industry trend, we need to take the management guiding theory of “quality promotion, price rise and efficiency promotion”, in order to run the whole industry with higher, better and more strict standards than the national standard.