Tongwei Earns Overall Ranking of Chinese Private Enterprises (Mainland)

  The Ranking of Enterprises in China, created by the China CSR Research Center of the Southern weekly, released the results for the year of 2008 on December 18. Tongwei Group ranked 39 in “Overall Ranking of Chinese Private Enterprises (Mainland)”. The China CSR Research Center, founded by the Southern weekly, is an authoritative institute with promoting corporate social responsibility (CSR) as its mission. Its tasks include referencing Overall Ranking of Contribution of Fortune Global 500 in China, the Overall Ranking of Chinese Private Enterprises, and creating the Overall Ranking of Listed State-owned Enterprises by Corporate Social Responsibility. Based on authoritative data from the government and an assessment system including indices of “operation”, "social contribution”, "CSR” and “public image”, it is a comprehensive assessment of Chinese private enterprises in terms of capital scale and CSR.

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