Salmon Technology Restructuring China’s Fishery Industry

  On March 11, Tongwei (Chengdu) Salmon Co Ltd was awarded a gilded certificate from Ministry of Science & Technology and the proposed project “Application and Extension of Atlantic Salmon Research Results” was offcially incorporated into the national “Spark Program”, thus also being entitled to the relevant special support.

  The project is mainy about the application and extension of Tongwei Salmon’s findings from research on breeding salmon in a complete freshwater environment conducted from 2002 to 2007. Taking into account the research findings home and abroad in recent years about Atlantic salmon, the project proposal pointed out that the five-year research conducted by Tongwei Salmon Co―first of its kind in China―successfully raised Atlantic salmon into the merchandisable size in a pure freshwater environment thanks to innovations in the large scale, whole-freshwater and high-density breeding technology for Atlantic salmon, and the output could reach 100kg per square meter. This research has made it a reality to breed Atlantic salmon in pure freshwater, commenced a new era for cold water fish breeding, and changed the situation in China that cold water fish breeding had been limited mainly to rainbow trout and golden trout.

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